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  • Is the sun secretly jealous of Mars Curiosity rover getting all the attention?
Is the sun secretly jealous of Mars Curiosity rover getting all the attention?

With all excitement about the Curiosity rover landing on Mars, everyone seemed to forget about the rest of the solar system. But the sun isn’t letting any old Red Planet stand in its way: the buoyant star of fire experienced a 500,000-mile filament (that’s huge,  2x the distance from the Earth to the Moon), creating a spectacular show. Filaments occur in large, dense regions, where cool gas is held in between magnetic fields (the air held in is cooler, causing it to appear darker). If planets could talk we think the sun would say that it’s “not jealous, just didn’t want anyone to forget about him up there.” Don’t worry, sun. We feel you. Ohh do we feel you.

(via Dvice)

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.