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  • Bands to look out for: The Teddy Boys, doin’ it live 11/3 at the Euclid Tavern
Bands to look out for: The Teddy Boys, doin’ it live 11/3 at the Euclid Tavern

Once the Teddy Boys start rockin’, there’s really no stoppin’ ’em. Nope. The band’s performance vibes create an unbreakable energy that has been known to result in microphone stands flying into drumsets and other shenanigans; the stage rockability of these guys is pretty ragin’, and best accompanied with a 40s of Old E or a stogie.

The Cleveland-based Boys have been making music for many years now, evolving into quite the musical ensemble that plays anything from classic punk and rock style tunes all the way to bluesy-sounding love songs and bassy beats, giving you nothing else to do but groove along and love every song.

My favorite part about the group is there’s something for everyone in their music; you will never hear the same sounding song, and the band’s chemistry makes for a real groovin’ experience; I’m not kidding when I say they are truly one of a kind.

Teddy Boys is Rick (vocals, guitar, keys) and Matt Pietrick (vocals), Jon (guitar, keys) and Stefanie Chips (vocals), Jason Binski (drums), and Zach Panek (bass).For all the live updates, show info, and other mischief, you can follow them on Twitter, @TeddyBoys.

The Boys are playin’ a show this Saturday at the Euclid Tavern in Cleveland, along with He-Chaw Funk, so come see what they’re all about.

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.