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The biopic of 1972’s porn revolution poster child and Deep Throat star Linda Lovelace

“There should be bells ringing, dams busting, bombs going off!”

Linda. Lovelace. How could one forget such a name?: the good girl gone bad who would go on to be the poster child for the pornographic revolution, starring (pretty much against her will) in the 1972 erotic comedy film Deep Throat. Like you know, before the Internet or YouPorn existed.

Authors and filmmakers have celebrated the film throughout various works based on the porn itself (See: Chuck Pahlnuk’s Deep Throat and Inside Deep Throat), but never has the real story of Linda Lovelace and her private life being married to hustler Chuck Traynor been documented, and now the former porn star’s life is revealed on the big screen in Robert Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman’s biopic Lovelace.

My heart breaks for Lovelace (Amanda Seyfried), because she really was such a sweetheart at the time [like before Traylor (Peter Sarsgaard) corrupted her]. But the duality in Lovelace‘s story leaves one questioning the truth of it all, mixed in a hazy cloud of the Miami porn industry: fake tits, sex, booze, gangbangs, and well: the making of Deep Throat!

The cast was the most surprising to me (I had no idea who was in it besides Amanda Seyfried going in), and I want you to be as shocked as I was so I won’t give all the names away, but just know James Franco makes an appearance as Hugh Hefner and Chris Noth is one of the producers (his character’s traits actually reminded me of Big from Sex and the City—of course.)

Lovelace is definitely worth a watch; Seyfried and Sarsgaard really pull off these roles incredibly. Without a doubt the movie evokes a sad reaction from the domestic abuse throughout, not to mention the unfortunate reality a lot of strict religious families face while raising their children—mostly shown in the relationship with Lovelace and her mother (Sharon Stone)—who taught her to “obey her husband no matter what.”

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.