In New York City you never know when your outdoor event will be greeted by a giant snowstorm (despite it being on the brink of spring – on International Happiness Day). But there is a certain amount of dedication here among New Yorkers, and the folks at Live Happy stuck it out from the wee hours of the morning at Madison Square Park all the way to things started to turn white raising money for a great cause on this international day.
For each person who shared a happy thought for National Happiness Day (March 20th), $1 was donated to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City. Jonathan Groff (known mainly for his role on Glee, the voice of Kristoff in Frozen, and most recently HBO’s Looking) made an appearance sharing happiness by continuing to”[make] voice memos as Kristoff and Kent in Frozen“.
I was so excited to work this event and share happiness on the streets of a city that stereotypically one might think wouldn’t have time to stop and chat, but I was pleasantly surprised to report that New Yorkers were consistently awesome in sharing their inspiring and positive thoughts. And just because International Happiness Day is over, doesn’t mean you can’t still spread the vibe: keep promoting those #happyacts!
Oh, and by law I have to go ahead and share my shameless selfie with Jonathan Groff, whom I had the pleasure of obsessing over Looking HBO with for a moment.