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Johnny Depp awakening the publishing industry from the dead

Yay Johnny Depp!

In what seems to be an era of e-book takeover, Depp has taken much initiative to bring back a dying breed of publishing agencies with his new joint effort publishing company Infinitum Nihil, which is also the name of his production company (translating to “nothing is forever”).

And who better than Depp to make reading sound so cool? Harper Collins released a statement in which he, “pledge[d], on behalf of Infinitum Nihil, that we will do our best to deliver publications worthy of peoples’ time, of peoples’ concern, publications that might ordinarily never have breached the parapet[.]”

The first series to introduce the books coming our way include Bob Dylan’s “The Unraveled Tales of Bob Dylan,” based on interviews with the singer/songwriter/poet and the infamous historian Douglas Brinkley, due for a 2015 release.

Seeing as Depp was pretty much BFFs with Hunter S. Thompson (not to mention, he co-wrote Gonzo), he is much accredited in the literarily, and it makes perfect sense he’d be doing something like this.

I’m stoked on his efforts to bring back the publishing industry, ’cause personally I miss the days when everyone got all excited about books. You know, the real kind.

(via The Washington Post; photo via Collider)

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.