Is love dying in America?

“Life is one fool thing after another, where as love are two fool things after each other”           —Oscar Wilde

THIS JUST IN: Love is dead. Or well, is dying—at least in America.

And the inner streak of cynicism running through us doesn’t see this as much of a surprise, but we’re glad to see some statistics proving our philosophy of love is headed somewhat in the right direction.

In light of Valentine’s Day being less than ten days away, The Pew Research Center has released some interesting statistics: currently 39% of the population (4 out of 10 people) is against marriage, but even despite this overwhelming single person statistic, the US is estimated to spend $17.6 billion on expensive dinners and candy this V-day, nearly 10% more than last year–men spending the most, buying an average of $168.74 worth of stuff for their sweet. Pew’s study also examined the median age of marriage has “drastically changed,” hitting an all-time high of 28.7 years-old.

If you’re like us, Valentine’s Day will be another night of wine and Nilsson, another normal Tuesday—but these statistics lead us to believe America is finally realizing marriage probably isn’t a very good idea, and depending less on love and marriage for, well, survival, seems a little desperate (it’s OK, tweens, not having a Valentine won’t kill you). 

Now, everybody go buy chocolates!

(via Jezebel via Business Insider; main photo via deviantART)

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.