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Free Pizza Hut for life to the one daring enough to ask what pizza our presidential candidates prefer

Alright, we know Obama likes (and can sing!) Marvin Gaye, and we know Mitt Romney hates Big Bird, but the real question is: what pizza toppings do they prefer? Seriously! Is Obama a closet anchovy enthusiast? Is Romney as boring as you might think, ordering a simple plane cheese pizza?

The question, while not the most serious, does give voters some insight on the less important (yet so important!) stuff about the candidates. Pizza Hut exec Kurt Kane said that, “[w]e recognize there are a lot of serious issues to be debated, but we also know a lot less serious – but no less important – ones are being discussed every night inside houses across the country[.]”

Which is why Pizza Hut said they’d be willing to cut a $15,600 check ($520 a month for 30 years)–what’s estimated to be a lifetime supply–to the person daring enough to stand up during the Town Hall meeting on October 16 and ask our President and opposing mate Romney what his favorite pizza is.

This is absolutely insane and unnecessary, but there’s no doubt in my mind some smart alec out there will be the first to jump on the pizza for life opportunity, which mind you, is a pretty hefty reward for such a simple question.

Who will be so lucky?

(via The Franchise Harold)

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.