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  • Freda Kelly: the Liverpool girl who really knew the Beatles
Freda Kelly: the Liverpool girl who really knew the Beatles

Is there any girl who grew up in the 60s who didn’t adore the Beatles? Well, maybe (probably a buncha Stones fans!). But when it comes to the ladies of the Beatles, of course we know about Linda and Yoko; we know all about the screaming lady fans passing out from the mere sight of the four striking lads—Paul, John, Ringo, and George—but there’s one particular girl who never really glimmered in the spotlight, but stuck with the guys from the beginning: Freda Kelly, the beloved Beatles secretary who was loyal to the group for over a decade, up until their final breakup in the late 60s.

And after 50 years of her staying quiet, Freda Kelly will divulge her experience of holding one of the most sought-after jobs out there during that time, after a decade of shenanigans–over 150 Beatles shows!—not to mention, forming the closest relationships with the Beatle boys and their families, serving as somewhat of a gateway between them all during their rise to fame.

In Ryan White’s Good Ol’ Freda you will see how fast the band’s rise to the top really was, from desperately looking for a local gig, to months later where thousands of letters would appear at Freda’s door—aka the Beatles fan club HQ—up to the very end, when things sort of fall apart and the group decides to head out for the Magical Mystery Tour.

Despite the obvious ending of the four going their separate ways, Good Ol’ Freda isn’t your typical documentary; you will get a unique lens on each of the Beatles’ personalities, how being a cute skinny 16 year-old definitely has its perks, and who knows, maybe even she kisses and tells!

(photo via Film School Rejects)

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.