$1 million for the dirty on Mitt Romney’s tax returns

O taxes, how you make all of this hard work seem near pointless. Everyone knows the feeling: when the government takes that giant chunk of our bi-monthly/monthly paychecks, leaving us dreaming of what could have been (sigh). But the fact of the matter is, you pay what you owe, and that’s just the way it is (cue Tupac song). And this is America, so if you don’t pay your dues, expect the IRS to already be in the know (no matter how many years ago it was, they’ll get you!); expect everything that’s yours to be taken away from you (unless you’ve already booked it to Guam or something, then you’re probably safe.)

So just like the rest of the United States (including President Obama, who released his 2011 tax info to the public on April 13 of this year), we’ve paid our taxes (or who knows, maybe some of you still haven’t.) But the question remains: Why have we still not seen Mitt Romney’s tax returns from last year? Could it be because, um, he secretly owes way more (millions, probably) than he paid? That’s more than likely the case, and Hustler founder Larry Flynt is offering $1 million for the dirty on Romney’s tax returns via full-page ads in Sunday’s edition of The Washington Post and Tuesday’s USA Today for anyone who might have the skinny (have you the provided documented evidence of your claims.)

Will we ever see proof of Romney’s real tax return numbers, or will he continue BSing his way through the entire race?

(via Adweek; photo via USA Today)

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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.