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Welcome to the loser table:Hello Ladies “The Wedding” review

“It’s like kismet”

Ahhh yes, weddings. A time for people to come together, drink lots, celebrate love, and….cater to your desperate single friend by hooking him up with the hottest model at the reception? Well, not exactly. But with Stuart’s unrealistic expectations at his ex-tenant’s fancy SoCal wedding somewhere in the outskirts of LA (which totally would have sucked if it weren’t for the trusty Wade letting him borrow his cooler), he’s thinking it’s destiny that he is going to start dating some super attractive babe per chance they’re sitting at the same table.

Not happening. Stuart’s vision of sitting by a BUNCH of single ladies is ruined by him being assigned to the ultimate loser table that consists of an annoying lady feeding her loud baby talking about the Anne Frank museum (how it was “disappointing,” but it “wasn’t as small as they were expecting”), a couple of old people, and some other lad who just won’t shut up about technology (typical Stuart luck). So, no bunches of hot single ladies. But being the bright web design genius he is, Stuart switches around some of the name cards at the table to make sure he ends up with the beautiful ladies. Everything seems to be going great until some guy calls him out for switching around the names, revealing his now obvious desperation.

Not all hope is lost though, later on a blonde chick named Kimberly recognizable from Stuart’s famous pool party approaches him and they hit it off instantly, chatting it up about aliens really existing and being total nerds. And what do you know, the great conversation eventually leads to an after party (yes, there’s room service). The whole thing didn’t turn out amazing (like where did Kanye West’s DJ guy come from?), but in the end Stuart did get a date back in LA with Kimberly, and to be completely honest she’s a breath of fresh air (the girl recently dabbled in scotch, how could you not love her?) compared to other women Stuart’s encountered. To make it even more of an episode win, Jessica ends up getting a lead role on network TV via Glenn (which, thank the lord, because I totally thought they were over based on last episode’s hookup) right after she thinks her life as an actress is about to crumble.

Jessica and Stuart end up having a little “moment” dancing together late-night after everyone is asleep (which was the best ever), but the two only seem to really cling back to each other when they’re both feeling desperate or down; and this was never more clear until Jessica got the part and suddenly was all about Glenn again, forgetting instantly about Stuart. Let’s not forget though that hours before getting the part, she totally embarrassed herself in front of the playwright, insisting that she watch her web series on a tablet IN THE MIDDLE OF DINNER. Not exactly professional by any means (let’s be serious, it’s a bit over-wrought), but I’m curious to see how she grows with her new experience finally getting that part.

There’s only one episode left, so don’t miss the last of Stuart and the gang in the season 1 finale, “The Drive”, airing November 17th at 10:30PM.

(photo via The AV Club)


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Kaitlin Duffy is a writer from Cleveland. When she's not blogging or pondering the great complexities of the world and outer space, she is finding rare vinyl steals, visiting new places, laughing often, Instagramming everything in sight, watching movies, or working on her first feature Port de Cleve.